


I am getting a connection error when connecting to the database, what can I do?

This issue is usually linked to the SQL server (Firebird). 

Troubleshooting steps:

    Step 1. Is this a sudden issue? Were they able to reach the database before and it suddenly stopped working or was there an event that might have triggered the issue?

    Step 2. Make sure that Firebird version 2.1 is running. Go to the application Services and look in the list of services for Firebird. You should be able to find one or two items named Firebird.

    Step 3. One solution is to re-install the software.

    • If you cannot find the Firebird service running, uninstall and re-install the tremoflo software. It might be due to an issue that occurred during installation which stopped the SQL server from installing properly.

    • If you can find the Firebird service running, click on it in Services and restart it. Try again to connect to the database.

    • If you have tried the step above and it did not work. Click on Firebird in Services and stop the service. Then, uninstall and re-install the tremoflo software.

    Step 4. If the problem persists, please contact THORASYS Technical Support.


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